

So basically if you don’t want to read the long paragraph below then this is the summery... so basically my boyfriend always used to call and text but now he doesn’t want more.. and he doesn’t seem excited to talk to me like he used lol ( he also seems kinda awkward around me more than usual ) so .. I want to send him this :

I’ve been noticing lately you don’t call as much as you used to or text back as fast/ as often as you used to or text in usual lol . I just want to know why? I mean I get if you’re busy, but you at least shoot me a quick text and be like I can’t talk as much today I’m busy ..etc. or even if you want to be alone tell me that. I just don’t get it. Like if at first you didn’t text me as much I wouldn’t be like this frankly. I am not saying it’s your fault just frequency for me is vital. And every time you talk to me you just seem bored or tired and you want to leave soon (in school) . It might just be your personality , but then again when you’re w/ your friends you seem actually happy laughing and having fun. If I don’t give you that then like what’s the point of me being here you know?

Am I over exaggerating or being too clingy ..? What are you’re thoughts

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