Always Something

So my boyfriend's ex wife is insane, what else is new right? Well now she's bringing me into their fights. Months ago I messed up and let my insecurities get the best of me while I was drinking and reached out to her. Apparently I asked her not to tell him about it because I didn't know how he would react. Well this has been discussed and dealt with like I said months ago, but now she's bringing back up to try to win an argument with him about their daughter. She's constantly making things up so she seems like a saint and he's the devil. And now she's pulling me into things again. I deleted all of my social media because she was stalking it and sending screenshots of my pictures and posts to my boyfriend saying really mean things about me, she knew I was drunk during this one conversation and is using it against me, she's flat out threatened me to my face when I helped drop their daughter off an hour away for her, the list goes on. I don't know what to do and I am tired of it. I don't want it to affect my relationship with my boyfriend or his daughter, but it already is. I guess I just needed to vent it out since there is nothing I can really do about any of it. Now to top it off, I'm seeing her today at their daughter's recital. I can't wait for the trash talk and drama. 😢😓