

What’s the silliest thing you’ve cried about during your pregnancy?

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Cried while sitting in traffic because it was taking so long to move. Then started crying again when it started moving because I was so happy


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In my first trimester I cried because I really enjoyed my McDonalds 😂😂


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I cried because my partner cooked my a chocolate cake and he got me a piece to eat and it was too small so I had a melt down because I wanted a big piece 😂😂I also cry in movies where women find out their pregnant or have a baby and I have no idea why 😂😂😂


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This time... Forgetting to buy sandwich filler for my partners lunch for work so he had to buy lunch at work! When I was pregnant with my twins I cried about dropping gravy thickener all over the kitchen floor and we had to have instant! Lmao!


Sam • May 14, 2018
I hope you got both hehehe :)


Robyn • May 14, 2018
I cried because I couldn’t decide between gummy worms or donuts lmao


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Watching the movie Cars when Lightening McQueen helped The King cross the finish line at the end 😂 I’ve seen that movie 10 times. I was just so moved 😂


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Got to be when I cried because my computer was taking too long to update.


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I cried because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to eat


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That my dog will one day die ... she’s a puppy


rh • May 14, 2018
And now I’m crying again about it 😰😰


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Bawled my eyes out after suddenly thinking about how my dog would one day die, hopefully just of old age, while she’s only 3 😂


SE 🇱🇺 • May 14, 2018
Ohhh no I’m so sorry!! 😅 I’m laughing about it now so I’m sure it will pass😜


Sarah-Rae • May 14, 2018
I haven’t cried about that yet, but after reading your comment made me think fuck.. 😭


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The Commonwealth Games fielded a women’s ice hockey team that was a united N&S; Korea team. I thought it was nice.