need some guidance and wonderful women support


hello I am hoping this reaches out to all wo.wn who have struggled in conceiving or has been through a missed miscarriage or loss of an unborn child.. I had a miscarriage back I January a missed one and I was heart broken when they could not find a heartbeat. I grieved hard and I realized I wanted another baby I wanted to try again.. well I recently found I'm pregnant in april... I'm really frightened and could use any advice... I went to the er for spotting and this pregnancy is goi g the same as my last one... my heart is sad but when I went to the Er I was 6weeks 3 days with the baby having a heartbeat of 127. I have a subcronic hemorrhage a small one but it doesnt look okay.. I have the doubt and fears of losing this one... my ultrasound appointment is tomorrow and I guess I will know then.. I don't really have symptoms just and upset stomach and kind of sore boobs but it's not constant.. I also wondering if the progestrone they have me on is causing the false oregnancy symptoms...please ladies share your stories and let's be friends and get through all of this together...