No Ovulation this month


Hi ladies! So I posted this week about thinking I may not have ovulated this month, which I'm still 95% sure about. I took my first set of progesterone blood work yesterday on my cycle day 22 and it came back super low at 1.2 (range is 1.8 - 23.9 in luteal phase). I pasted my chart below so you can see what happened. My temp has stayed pretty constant throughout the month and honestly has been a little higher then I expected. I noticed that after my period that my temp went down to my coverline of 98.0 and has hovered around there all month. I guess that was the first sign. Second sign that I didn't ovulate was that my CBD ovulation sticks never detected a peak, which I should have seen on the 10th. Mind you I was testing once in the morning and once around 6 twice a day. The next issue I had was that my breasts never swelled and started hurting which is ALWaYS the case mid month (after I ovulate). Anyone have a similar experience? Would love to hear if you had something like this happen to you. I think by far in the 6 months of TTC this has been the roughest for me emotionally. Im going to Spain in 2 weeks so I decided to stop testing for the month to clear my head a bit. It was just getting to be too much for me