Need advise ☹️

So I’m underage and pregnant and my boyfriend (the father of our child)

is older than me & my family doesn’t exactly like that. So my AUNT set up rules and is basically trying to control me and what I can do with my baby and her excuse is that I’m to young to make decisions on my own regarding my own baby.

She is telling me when the father is able to see the baby and when I’m able to take the baby out. She even told me “if I like the way your handling the baby, I’ll give u more privileges” wtf kind of shit is that? I know that I am young and need guidance but I don’t need her to basically take over my baby and do what she wants like it’s hers. I feel completely out of control and it’s really making me sad and upset.

I’m very hurt that she isn’t letting me have a say in anything and it’s my baby that we’re talking about ):

this pregnancy has been so stressful and Ik it’s not healthy for me. But I can’t help feel like I’m not able to be a mother to my child because all the decisions are being made for me 😩