I’m feeling so proud of myself today.

I’ve been a big girl for as long I can remember, standing at 5 foot 8 and always being quite “big boned” and my weight has always fluctuated dramatically.

University didn’t help, with the whole “I can buy and cook and eat what I want, when I want” mentality and the fact that I was drinking on average 2 litres of Lucozade Orange a day for about 2 years (it’s awful, I know), combined with the stress eating, the comfort eating and the depression eating... so the weight just piled on. Whenever I’d go home for Easter, Summer and Christmas I’d have family members pointing out the fact that I had gained some weight, I didn’t realise really until it finally clicked that I’d gone from a somewhat healthy size 12/14 to a 18/20.

I’d never really weighed myself, partly because I was scared to do so and partly because I had the mentality of “it’s fine, i’m fine whatever size I am”... that was until I went for a heart check up because of multiple passing outs and dizziness/palpitations and it was finally revealed that I was 20 years old, weighed around 16 and a half stone with a BMI of 34.8 - classed as obese and at a high risk of thyroid problems, diabetes as well as a plethora of other ailments.

That was about 2 or 3 years ago and finally today I can proudly say that I have dropped down to a size 14, weighing 11 stone 11 with a BMI of 25 and no longer being classed as obese or overweight.

(I would post images of a before and after, but I haven’t got any from before... I deleted them all out of disgust)

I’m just super happy and proud of myself right now ☺️