Using 4 Week NuvaRing Cycles & Tracking Your Cycle


Sorry in advance, it’s a long post, but worth the read...

So, I’ve been using Glow for almost 4 years now to track my cycle and this app has my period tracked SO well, that I knew I’d conceive our second child immediately following an AMAZING evening with my husband on 6/27/17, because my app said the next day was the most fertile day of my cycle.

We weren’t necessarily trying for baby #2. It was a little “didn’t think to check my app before giving my hubby a fun birthday romp that went a little too far” oopsie. 🙈 And Glow was, in fact, 100% accurate. My son is 2 months, 3 days old as of today... 😆

Now, I provided that story to ask this:

I used the NuvaRing for my go-to BC for years before conceiving my first child in 2014. Haven’t been on BC since. Back then, I’d keep the ring in for 3 weeks, remove it, have a cycle, put in a new ring. You know, general BC stuff.

Well, my OBGyn just wrote me a new Rx and told me that I could just keep a ring in 24/7 and change it on the same day every month and not only would I be better protected against pregnancy (because I’d be getting constant hormones to prevent conception), but also pretty much keep me from having a period.

So, I don’t have a problem with keeping it in for the full month and skipping my period, but my question is, if I’m not having a period, how am I supposed to track my cycle on Glow? It’s going to think I’m just pregnant forever if I keep skipping cycles, right? Then, IF my hubby and I decide to TTC#3, how TF am I supposed to know when I’m ovulating??

Has anyone had this issue? Or should I just do like I did before, so I can continue to track it??

If you made it this far, thank you!

Here’s a photo of our wonderfully amazing little oopsie Rainbow!