Anxiety issues

So I’m 29+5 weeks pregnant. I’ve never had a pap & my doctor hasn’t seen me down there. She respects my decisions and is okay with it as long as I have no bleeding.

Well, I know I’m going to have to open my legs up to strangers and her & I told her I’m worried I’ll have a anxiety attack or a panic attack. I can’t even let my boyfriend look at me down there. I don’t have a ugly body. I’m not overweight. There’s nothing wrong with my body. I just get really overwhelmed if someone sees my private parts. I don’t know why, I cant control it. When I was talking about it to my doctor, i almost start crying every time.

Please don’t judge me & tell me ‘well you have to do it’. I understand that. Completely. I planned this pregnancy, I just can’t help the way I am when it comes to exposing myself. Just writing this makes me feel uneasy.

Anyways, is there anything I can do to make me feel calm and better about it? I want to feel relaxed, I don’t want to feel like this. I feel no one understands but my doctor. They usually laugh and say comments that are common sense and that just doesn’t help.

I’ve heard every comment from ‘do you even care about your baby’ to ‘well there’s no way out of it now lol’

Like I KNOW I’m going to have to do it. I want ways to help me cope with it..