Restraining order or no?


So I had a friends with benefits thing going on for like 8 months. I really liked him but he wasn’t ready to commit to one person. He has a daughter that he signed his rights away to when he was 17, 8 years ago, hasn’t heard from them since. She wouldn’t let him call or anything. Anyway, I guess in that state you can go for child support at any time, and she did. So he couldn’t afford his place anymore. I was secretly crazy in love with him so I offered him to stay with me and my son for a while. He turned it in to a this is where I live now and we’re together situation. He got super emotionally/mentally abusive, always asking if I’m really that stupid or if I just like to act like it. Or once we went on a hike and I said that’s my work out for the week and he said “it looks like the only time You’ve ever worked out” and squished my tummy 🙄. He “borrowed” all my money. I told him I only have this much left till payday and he kept saying “it’s ok baby, I get paid Thursday and I’ll pay you back and pay my half the rent.” Well he dumped me and moved out on Wednesday. Didn’t pay anything back, left me and my son with $7 and a week till payday, because I was dumb enough to trust him. So now he’s been moved out for a month and WILL NOT come get the rest of his stuff!! Every time I ask him he gets crazy! I told him I’m not a storage unit, you need to come get it. So he’s calling me a B and a C saying I’m trying to steal his stuff and he doesn’t care if he has to go to jail, he’ll get his payback and make my life hell. I’m not exactly sure what he means by that but it scares me. I know he has 2 domestic violence charges but I believed him when he told me they were misunderstandings, now I’m not so sure.. I got paperwork for a restraining order but I don’t know if that’s too much. I just want him to get his stuff and be gone but I’m worried it won’t be that easy.. what would you guys do?


I only know what he told me and I stupidly believed all of it. He lied about so much, I wouldn’t be surprised if the child support stuff wasn’t true.

And I don’t mean to sound petty about the money, I just think that’s the shittiest thing to do. Especially since he moved out straight in to another apartment. So he had to have had it somewhat planned out. Which makes it even shittier. Lol