Explain This Behavior

Kaitlyn • Mom to one 👦🏼 and three 🐶

Now, I am in a stable, living together relationship so, I’m in no way suggesting I would ever cheat on my bf. I love him and am waiting on a proposal. I don’t really know if there’s a more suitable group to discuss this sort of thing. But this guy who is a former client of mine, not much older than me, was asking for awhile if I wanted to hang out. I don’t. I’m a work and home person exclusively. And I told him as much, trying to be nice and maintain the work relationship. Eventually, we’ll say a month or so later, he texts and says I’m boring and sees no reason to continue talking to me. I say “okay.” No fucks to give here, wasn’t looking for a friend anyway.

Another month goes by, a text pops up. “Hey Miss Kaitlyn.” I don’t respond. Two weeks later, another text, “Have you seen Avengers??” No response. And today, “Do you wanna see Deadpool 2?” Still have not replied...

How on earth is someone that dense? After never having received a reply and basically insulting me, why would he think any conversation is going to happen? He is, by the way, fully aware that I’m in a relationship. Without an apology or some dots being connected, I’m just sitting here like “wtf you want, bro?”🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I kinda want to block the number at this point. It’s not exactly harassing, just slightly annoying now that this is the third time it’s occurred.