For the guys!

How do know you’re ready to settle down and get married? What is going on in your head that makes you know ‘this girl is the one’?

I’m in a relationship we have been together over 2 years we have a child he bought a house for “us” he got a dog for “our family” we have talked and he wants to start trying for another baby in a few months. When we talk he says this relationship is long term, he’s not going anywhere and we sort of talk marriage. He’s accidentally slipped up when we fight saying he ‘wants this marriage to work’ when someone else calls me his wife he doesn’t correct them like he used to do. But when we are around his friends and family he’s very persistent that he’s never getting married again.

I don’t want to keep getting strung along in a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. I want more. I want the commitment.

Help a girl out please. I am just trying to understand.