something that ticks me off.


people can post whatever They want to share. They have the freedom to speech. Another thing, People need to vent, they can not hold things in. It is unhealthy and not good for them. If sharing their story is a way to vent and move on... let them. Don't go on their post saying they shouldn't post their story because it's not bad as others. First of all, no one has the right to judge. Also, People handle their feelings differently than others. Going back to ppl sharing their story... just let them vent. Maybe they have no one to talk to. you never know. I had a cousin of mine who was going through some personal problems and ppl just told her not to post her problems online. btw that was her outlet. she wanted someone to come to her. unfortunately, she felt depressed and no one took her seriously. she committed suicide two yrs ago. im not saying everyone thinks about suicide. im saying u never know. sometimes people need to vent and should be able to feel like they can. please remember we all heal differently. just respect each other's post.