Do you think it’s postpartum depression or no??


I am starting to wonder if I should be worried that something is off with me. I am a mother to an almost 4 year old and a 1 month old. Since I was pregnant I didn’t feel emotionally supported by my husband. I felt very alone and I think it caused me to internalize my feelings (and swallow them) because my husband didn’t seem available (due to working, going to school and wanting time to himself.) I told myself that it was temporary and that once school was over for him and the pregnancy was over we would go back to what I thought was normal. I don’t remember normal. Now I don’t really feel in control of my moods and reactions. I didn’t want any long term “guests/help” because of how I have felt. I mentally feel like a turtle: I have days where I’m out of my shell but I wake up 3/4 days a week still in my shell. I’m functioning and taking care of my kids but I don’t feel all the way there. Idk if this makes sense. But my husband notices it too although I don’t feel like he cares (not in a bad person kind of way). Has anyone else felt like this