31 weeks 2days


I am really hoping i can hold my ground this time & am able to deliver naturally. I was a FTM & trusted my dr.

My first 2 1/2 years ago I was induced bc he said fluids get low around the due date & can be dangerous for baby. Me being a FTM I agreed to be induced & when I reached 8cm dr broke my water reached 9cm & had only had my water broken for about 2 hours before “he didn’t want to wait any longer” & stated we have to get the baby out! Afterwards I learned that you can be without the fluid for at least 18-24hours, so I do believe I wasn’t given a fair chance!

This time around when a csection is mentioned I do say no I want my water to break on it’s own this time bc my daughter might not have been ready to come out when the dr wanted to take her out. He says we will do a 34week growth scan & go from there. My daughter was 7p6o & he said that’s average & if he believes my son will be over that a csection would be better! 🤦🏻‍♀️

I really don’t understand why drs are so pushy.