

Me and my husband have been trying for a baby for about 4 months. I had a miscarriage two months in. It devastated me. I got so discouraged and disappointed. Was it something i did? Did i do something wrong? I begin to think it’s my weight ( I’m over weight) and then i see women who are 300-600 lbs who can barely keep from getting pregnant.

It kills me. Why me? Why my weight?

I’ve discussed this with my personal OBGYN and she doesn’t seem to concerned. She said it would just take time. The time just hasn’t been right. I’ve been so depressed about it lately. One moment I’m okay with not having a baby right now. We’re newly married and can spend the first couple years traveling and getting to know each other more. However, when aunt flow comes to town, i get so depressed for about two weeks. It’s a never ending cycle. 😭 what can i do?