Our Journey!

Alexis • Mommy & wife 😍

I had my daughter at 36w 2d! She was 5lbs 15oz 18in long. She didn't latch right away, they gave her formula for low blood sugar. We thought she was just tired but she was taken to the NICU for 10 days for trouble breathing. During her NICU time, she had a CPAP and tube down her nose/throat. She didnt have her first meal until days into her stay. I pumped like a monster while at home to bring breastmilk to the NICU. She wouldnt stay latched for more than a few minutes or seconds. Once I took her home, I bottle fed her breastmilk until one day my cousin came over and helped me latch her, she was a pro! 2 months strong! We've gone through prematurity, a lip tie, and nipple confusion. We refuse to give up.

The first attempt at latching in the NICU
