

me and my crush are getting pretty close this year.🙄 and we have the most amazing vibe.

We were walking to period 4 together, then I asked to use his Paw Paw whatever whatever, and we were just talking and shit then all of a sudden he ask me “do you think we have a thing” and I’m so BLONDE I thought he was talking about this girl that he jokingly tries to make me jellous with so I start saying shit about them to like “you two would be soo cute..” and then he smiled and he’s like “nah me and YOU” and I was thought he playing so I just like “WTF” I laughed and I forgot what I said and then he likes “Nevermind don’t worry and by that time we were already at my class so I just left and didn’t think anything of it. After class, I asked him “wait, what were you talking about before” he likes, he smiled and he’s like “ I was wondering.. do you like me” and I was so confused so I start saying “nah, ofc I don’t, me and you are just friends ngoth, then I was like we’re friends right ” then hes he’s like “yea” and the conversation ended awkwardly.

I’ve liked him for 2 years and my feelings grow more and more each day. I don’t know why I denied it to him but I don’t know what all this means (if he likes me or not) or what I should do because I feel bad cause I kinda friendzoned by accident😂😭