Period was two days late then only lasted a day... ?


So my period was supposed to come last Wednesday and I started spotting Friday lightly. Put a light tampon in and took it out like 6 hours later and it wasn’t completely full like I was expecting it to be. But there was red so I was like ok. Period is here. Boo. It was not heavy at all tho and It went back to light spotting the next day and then nothing. So it was really just one day of light and I’m usually at least 3 days of redness (never really heavy tho) and then maybe a day or two of spotting. Could I be pregnant? I was about to test when the light flow started so I didn’t end up doing it. Anyone have this happen and end up with a bfp? O and also. TMI. Two days before the “period” came I had a bunch of egg white looking cm when I wiped and I have never had that before. 🤷🏻‍♀️ any advice would help. Thanks!