Disappointed? Should I bring it up

My bf and I argued last night and I was over the whole thing it was petty and no reason for him to be angry

So this morning i had asked if he was gonna apologize ( I felt an apology was needed because he literally told me “fuck you” and before that he was telling me other things because I had a problem with getting him what he wanted but in the end I did so he should’ve been at least content about it)

Is this considered mistreating?

He told me that’s he won’t apologize because he wouldn’t mean it and that’s I guess my fault because he said “don’t make me angry”

But then he’s just like I love you though and to not hold a grudge.

So ever since he said that I’ve been in a bad mood with him and he’s moved on and whatever about it.

Currently he’s sleeping and I’m wondering if I should message him.

Cause he says he cares about me a lot but with the way he was last night makes me go ehh.

Like should he not apologize if he cares about me and that he wasn’t treating me very kindly...?

Or am I just being a baby over this?

But he hardly ever apologizes....I feel like I can’t even remember any times he has apologized.

Sorry if this is jumbled...I just don’t if I should say something because then he tells me don’t start being like that however in the beginning of our relationship I really struggled so much to let him know what I felt and what I thought, I would keep everything bottled in and he would always try to get me to express myself

Now I’m more recent times it’s gotten a bit easier to let him know these things and now it seems like he doesn’t want to hear it because like I said he’ll be like “don’t start”

So like what is it that he wants? To go back to bottling everything up or let him know what’s going through my mind.

I don’t want to argue with him and I feel like if I say something he’ll get angry.