I’m asking for advice from you guys since going to my family about it isn’t too easy. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year and we are planning to move together with my family after we graduate in a couple of weeks. We were very good friends before we started dating and I even helped him with his now ex at the time. We started having feelings for each other after they had broken up from her cheating and started dating. My relationship with his family in the beginning was good not amazing but not bad. But things changed when we started getting really serious and were constantly together . He doesn’t live with his mom and when we got together was around the time he decided he wanted to move out and live with his dad. His mom blames me and has held a grudge since not only did her son move out (which was not my fault at all considering we weren’t together when he decided to leave) and because I play the woman role in the dads house. His mom would constantly put him down and make him feel bad and then blame me for him becoming distant. His sister was constantly threatening me and making remarks as well as his other family members (cousins) it wasn’t different until his step dad blew up and started getting in my face blaming me for the broken relationship. His family made them all apologize and me as well which I’m not sure why but I did out of respect. And ever since then we have all been fake with each other . I found out not only did his mom and that side of the family talk bad about me to everyone they could but about my family who has taken in my boyfriend as family . It frustrates me because although he “sticks up for me” there hasn’t been any more blown out situations for him to . But his mom will make comments about me and how he chooses me over his family and he’s stuck in the middle of who to make happy. He’s kind of a push over and tries to make everyone happy. Maybe I’m selfish but if he’s moving with me and my family I want to know he’s serious and if we get married our family and I will be chosen over his manipulative mother and crazy family . (Not to mention his moms apology was “I don’t know what I did but I guess I’m sorry I really don’t care about anything else besides getting my son back”) and he just recently got me a promise ring and his mom repeatedly tells him to buy her a Ring now.