I need motivation guys...

I have a 14 month old and im currently 31 weeks pregnant. Im 21. I'm in school (cyber - 6 hours a day) I have little to no help from my childerns father and im im the process of getting my own apartment. I live with my mama right now because I ended things with my baby daddy about 2 months ago. I plan on going to work after my 6 weeks is cleared. I'm just.... exhausted. I hate that im doing this alone, even though I'm not alone. My mom helps me SO MUCH. I could cry from how much she helps me now that I moved back in and am trying to get back on my feet. She hates my baby daddy and is really proud of me for leaving him. We were together for 4 years and the entire time he cheated on me and was just a horrible person. My mom is buying me everything this baby and my daughter that I already have needs because she knows I'm in a tight spot. She helps with my daughter all day because she knows I'm in pain from the pregnancy. I'm so grateful, but it just sucks that she's doing it all and the father isn't helping because it isn't my mom's responsibility. I'm just exhausted from everything and I guess I'm mad that he gets to run free and do whatever the hell he wants while I'm sitting here unhappy raising our kids by myself. idk. I'm just having a bad day I guess.... (not unhappy about raising my kids. I love my babies. I'm just unhappy from alot and how much I sacrificed and wasted on a piece of shit) and it's REALLY irritating that he has no responsibility when it comes to our kids. he can run free and party and do whatever. I cant because I have our kids. I don't wanna run and party, but it would be nice to have a break besides what my mom does.