EPIDURAL , is this normal?! I’m freaking out.


I need to know if I’m over reacting , if this can be normal after a epidural if I need to actually go to the doctor and get check or what.

Ever sense I gave birth 7 weeks ago ..

every time I lay down at the end of the day I feel a tingle and numb feeling from my toes all up my legs. A couple nights ago my back hurt me so bad I was almost in tears

I just feel like I can feel that horrible pressure on my back from the epidural all over again.

It’s just a uncomfortable feeling.

*side note- I’ve always had back pain , when I went into labor I had back labor all my contractions were in my back pretty much. Getting the epidural was the absolute worst part about all of it .. i about couldn’t even get it because I kept moving and practically crying so loud every time they’d even touch my back they had to get another person to come in the room to do it because the First Lady couldn’t after so many try’s.

Has anyone else dealt with numbness or tingling feeling months after epidural??

I need opinions/advice.