Advice? I’m So Confused


I’ve been off BCP since mid-Dec of last year and my husband and I haven’t been using protection except he’s been pulling out. 2.5 weeks ago I started getting severe fatigue (I would do nothing but sleep all day) and then half a week later started getting inappetence and transient nausea, especially after meals, at the end of my meals, and when I first wake up (usually could get away without eating for a bit while I do chores but now I HAVE to eat immediately because my stomach hurts like I haven’t eaten in days). At that same time, I’ve started having constipation and some moderate bloating that hasn’t gone away since. For the last week, my breasts feel a bit fuller, but don’t look that drastically larger, and started aching terribly and have been since.

AF has been nowhere to be seen (was supposed to start three days ago and got impatient and did a HPT at the end of the day it was supposed to start and it was BFN. I bawled my eyes out because I’m scared this is a false pregnancy and would just wish I’d get a BFP or my period. I had a similar situation last Sept where I missed two periods on BCP with tons of pregnancy symptoms (all different from now though) and all HPT and hCG were all negative, ultrasound was clear and everything and the Drs kept telling me I was crazy. Not even my husband believed something was happening. Now, he’s saying “it’s stress” and I’m hoping someone out there has any advice or has been in a similar situation. I feel alone and isolated in this and need some support please. :(