3rd Baby Due February 2018 👶😇 and now I'm totally against FRERs

So I tested 5 days before AF and got a vvvvvvvvfl on an 88 cent walmart test. So faint at first I thought it was negative and put it up only to come home later with DH and pull it out again and to my surprise there in fact was another line there. So two days later which would be 3 days before AF I tested with a FRER and it was negative... 😭 I couldn't believe it...I knew I had def seen a vvvvvvvfl on the cheapie. So I retested later that night with a cheapie and got this

As you can see it's def a squinter but I could see something there. The MORNING before AF I tested again using a FRER and again STARK WHITE! Later that night I grabbed another cheapie and got this

THAT WAS IT!! I knew for sure then I seen that second line and I was and still am filled with happiness and excitement. And here is my test from today (I like to test after a BFP just to make sure it's getting darker)

So this is why I will never use a FRER ever again for early testing. Yes I know everyone has different experiences and this was mine. I looked it up and seen many people have also had this issue. So just a warning ladies, FRER isn't always the best for early pregnancy and there just might still be hope when you get a negative on a FRER 😊

*EDIT* FRER is First Response Early Response lol