#4, to have or not to have. . . .


So my husband and I have 3 kids (6 yr old girl, 2 yr and 1 yr old boys), he is 41 and I am 34. I go back and forth on trying for 1 more. I'm just now starting to get some freedoms - as much as you can get as a sahm- and my body is returning to a place im getting happy with. But I also feel really sad at the thought of not having another beautiful person. My husband says he's done, no more. So I call our insurance about coverage of a vasectomy and tell him what they say. I am not on any birth control due to many reactions I've had, he won't wear condoms, so he pulls out ( we don't have sex but 1 or 2 times a month- lame I know). So, he pulls out, doesn't really want to get a vasectomy and says we don't play the lotto so we gotta gamble on something! To me that's some mixed signal shit, either get a vasectomy or.......