Could I be leaking atomic fluid?


I’m 20 weeks pregnant and I always wear a panty liner because discharge. The discharge has been going on for a few weeks but lately I’ve actually paid attention and I don’t think all of it is discharge..

Like I said I wear a panty liner and change it frequently but recently I’ve notice wether I’m standing, sitting or laying down I’ll feel what doesn’t feel like discharge and sure enough when I take off the panty liner the liquid (idk if its pee, atomic fluid or what kind of liquid) is soaking through the panty liner and it’s on my underwear. Part of me is thinking it’s discharge but my discharge has always stained my underwear and this doesn’t stain my underwear. Just makes it wet. Has anyone had this? I mean it’s been going on for a couple weeks now but I always thought it was discharge.

For example I’ll pee and not even 5 minutes later I feel a little liquid come out of me, then it happens again within 5 minutes and usually continues like this throughout the day. So I doubt it’s pee.