Bonding Issues

Trigger Warning*** I feel so stressed right now. Everyone around me is saying not to hold him too much or he will become too needy, yet I'm having a hard time bonding with him and that's the only way I can think of helping it. My doctor doesnt believe me when I tell him I'm anxious and depressed. I'm sorry this is all jumbled, I just need go get this off my chest. My husband wants to talk about it and he knows I'm feeling depressed and anxious, but I just can't bring myself to tell him I just don't have a connection with our son yet. How do I tell him when he cries after I feed, change and burp him that I want to just scream my lungs out with him. I've caught myself blankly staring at him as he cries, having to snap myself back into reality. I do care for him. I just don't feel okay .