Completed the sleep sense program today! (Sleep training program)


Hey there mommas! I posted the beginning of last month about my son not sleeping good, pretty much ever. It was taking a huge toll on me mentally and physically. My son is 5.5 months old now and we began this keep training Journey 2 weeks ago. Let me first tell you how horribly he was sleeping.. during the day if I laid him in his crib or by himself he’d sleep anywhere for 15-30 minutes. If he was being held, in the car or in his swing he’d sleep and hour or two so with that being said at night was a nightmare! We tried to get him to sleep in his crib for a month. He’d wake up about 3-4 times a night and Have to bed fed to go back to sleep and feeding him would take around 15 minutes every time. So having those 15-20 minute intervals of awake time for me was so hard, well I thought that was rough. Then we hit the 4 month sleep regression when he was 4 months one week and after that for the next 3 weeks he was waking up 3-7 times a night sometimes for a few minutes sometimes for an hour and he’d just be a wake at 3 am wanting to play 😭😬🤪 so we brought him into our bed because I couldn’t take the constant up and down but honestly it didn’t help anything. When he’d wake and just be awake the only thing that would get him to go back to sleep was his swing. In the middle of the night he’d want his binkie, his bottle, to be held, to be touched or turned on his side... well in the midst of this I had begun on this journey of trying to figure out how to sleep train him that my husband and I felt comfortable with. Well after googling, reading reviews on books and watching about a million YouTube videos I came across one where a mother had done this program called the sleep sense program she recorded her journey every day for 14 days and don’t get me wrong she struggled but was seeing amazing results so I started watching more moms and dads doing this program and I was convinced this was the way for us so one night of being up and down I decided I cannot do this anymore. At my son’s four month check up his pediatrician said that she really recommends sleep training and that he doesn’t need anymore night feedings he was not born premature and his weight is perfectly fine and she gave us the green light to go ahead so I ordered the sleep training program and we started it. The first three nights were a little bit rough but after that I can honestly say on our last day of this program that it was The best decision that we could’ve made not just for our slesleep but for our sons sleep now that he’s sleeping through the night all by himself he doesn’t need a bottle, a Binky or me to ever to put himself to sleep anymore. He sleeps 12 hours every night 😱👏🎉 Every morning he takes an hour and a half nap and then he takes a two hour nap in the afternoon and then his 3rd nap of the day he takes about a half an hour power nap 2 hrs before bed and then is ready for bed. Threw this program I was able to teach my son how to teach himself how to sleep good by himself and I honestly think that it was the best gift I could give in him. He goes to bed at 7:30 PM and wakes up at seven or 7:30 AM he sleeps all night by him self. So if any other moms out there are having troubles with a baby that is taking bad naps or not sleeping through the night yet I highly highly highly recommend this program! It is called the sleep sense program and you can and look it up @ I purchased the middle program which comes with the book and it comes with 14 day coaching videos that you watch every morning and get you ready for the day and the night they’re very encouraging and help you stay on track and help you know what to do every day and it covers seriously I think about every problem that you could ever stumble upon through sleeping day or night. It was the best 47$ I’ve ever spent! So on that note happy sleeping mommas! If you have any questions for me please feel free to ask 😴😃👏🙌👍💙