What should I do?

This is a really long story, but I really need help. Please bear with me.

My Boyfriend and I have been dating for around a year and a half. During this time, we’ve had a wonderful relationship, and we’ve rarely fought. However, these last two months have taken a turn for the worse.

We are both in high school, meaning that we have to balance our relationships, family, and education all at once. My boyfriend (who we’ll call T for now) had previously been struggling with the education part, and his mom decided to threaten him with military school if he was unable to get his grades up. Since then, he had been working very hard on getting them up, and they had started to improve.

A good while later, I had ended up in a fight with my parents, and this had triggered a severe panic attack. Whenever I have panic attacks, I tended to text T as he usually knew how to help me through them.

It was at this time, however, that he decided to tell me he was considering going to military school. Because of all the negative things I had heard about Military school, my panic attack ended up getting worse, which led me to attacking this idea of military school.

My reaction resulted in him becoming very upset, and it almost broke us up, but we ended up pulling ourselves together.

When we resolved this, he told me that although he cared about me, he needed to focus on school, so he wouldn’t be able to give me the normal amount of attention he previously did. Of course, I was ok with this, and at first didn’t mind.

Although this started off as him trying to get better grades, it led him to being completely emotionally unavailable. It had also resulted in him refusing most physical touch (Holding hands, hugging, kissing, ect.) which was very unusual of him. He had also begun to lie about when he was going to sleep, only for him to stay up watching TV and eating/drinking.

Although I wanted to confront him about how he had let this “attention” thing go a little to far, I was too afraid of upsetting him, so I said nothing.

Skip to today. Like always I woke up and told him good morning, asked how he slept, and told him I loved him. Only today, he didn’t say I love you back, which was something he had only done when he was mad at me.

I asked him if something was wrong, and he told me that he would talk to me about it during school.

When I got there, he told me that he think’s there’s something wrong with with him, and of course I asked why. He then told me that he doesn’t think he’s ever loved anyone/thing (including me), but that he still cares about me and his friends (???)

I was devastated, as he had basically said he didn’t know if he had ever loved me. And yet, after telling me this, he acted as if he had never said anything, in fact he seemed his normal self, which made the pain he had caused even worse.

I’m gonna be honest- I have no idea how to react. Please, Please help❤️