Mean Toddler


My daughter will be 18 months old on the 16th and is mean little thing. She has several older cousin's ranging in the ages between 2-9 years old; and will bite, pinch, pull their hair, and hit them and will not quit until you remove her away from them. She will do it because the other kid has a toy she wants or isn't paying her attention. She is particularly mean to her older cousin Dakota who is 4 years old. I tried everything to correct her behavior, but she is hardheaded. She can be playing nicely one minute and the next have the other kid on the ground by pulling their hair (especially her 4 and 2 year old girl cousins). The other kids don't retaliate because she is still a baby and know they will probably get in trouble if they hit her back (especially by their uncle/daughters father). Any mother's with a mean toddler?