I want to be in a car accident.


okay yall, I know this is crazy, but I wanted to see if anyone else has ever felt this way. Sometimes I just wanna get in a car wreck. Serious enough to where I'm put in the hospital for a few days. I DONT want to die, and I dont want anyone else to get hurt, but idk, I just wanna get in a wreck car wreck for some reason. I think about it a lot and every time I drive alone. And I know if it ever actually happened I would be terrified and it would suck, but I just have this desire to experience it for some reason. Has anyone else felt like this before? Like had a desire to go through a traumatic event? Am I totally insane?

edit: no I do not feel this way because I want attention. no where did I say that, but most of you just assumed for some reason. Maybe deep down subconsciously I do and I dont realize, but I would never put my family through that stress on purpose. It isnt a fetish or a fantasy, just an intrusive thought that I'd see if anyone else had gone through before. this post was not meant to belittle or diminish the severity of car crashes and the damage they can do.

edit #2: Okay so I've realized now it's not so much that I WANT to be in an accident, I'm just super curious as to what its like. and no, I would NEVER purposefully crash my car. I am a very safe driver and that would be insanely selfish of me to risk others lives like that. I wouldnt ever act on this, it's just a thing I've thought about.