Sleep advice please 😴


My baby girl started going through the 4 month sleep regression last week, her longest sleep stretch is 2-3 hours, then she wakes every hour- it’s awful. I’m really trying to teach her to fall asleep on her own, but it’s such a struggle. She wants to be held/nursed back to sleep. I put her down drowsy and she will fall asleep, but it takes forever for us to get there.

At bedtime, she falls asleep around 8-9 pm and wakes up for the day between 5-6 am 😣 and wakes 4-5 times a night right now. If I put her to bed earlier, she wakes up earlier!

She takes 4 naps during the day, 3 short (30-45 min) and 1 long nap (2-3 hours, but wakes up to be comforted every 45 min).

How do I get her to sleep longer at nighttime? Like go to bed earlier and wake up later? The room is dark and quiet with a sound machine.

How long does it take everyone to get their little ones down to sleep?

She starts getting tired after being awake for about 45min-1hr, so I start the wind down routine, which can take up to an hour to get her to fall asleep! We read, walk around, nurse, read again...Am I starting too early to put her down for a nap? Should I let her get more tired first? I feel like I’m spending most of my day trying to help her fall asleep.

I should also add that her personality is fierce lol. She’s not a calm baby, she is lively, lovely, and wild. Getting her to lay alone and peacefully fall asleep sounds impossible.

Any advice?!