feeling pretty bad about myself:/ before&after

Jessica • 33; mama to my beautiful Adalynn Marie 🎀

I've been feeling really bad about myself lately. I know I've let myself go since I had a baby and I've been losing weight but I always seem to get to a point where I plateau. I know I need to stop being lazy and start working out but I've also been dealing with a lot of health issues. I have hypothyroidism (hashimotos), I'm anemic, & recently diagnosed with celiac's disease. I had my daughter last September. besides having no energy due to all the health issues right now, I've struggled with eating disorders and image problems in the past. I've always hated working out and I'm not an athletic person at all. I literally have zero energy and I feel so lazy. I hate myself right now and I wish I could just be one of those people that are naturally thin and never had to struggle. but I guess then again don't we all right? in order for me to actually be thin I have to stick to an extremely rigid diet and exercise constantly and unfortunately as much as some people love going to the gym, I am not one of those people . here are my before and after pictures😭

this picture was from the end of 2015.

this was a picture from right before I got pregnant towards the end of 2016

this is how big I got while I was pregnant. Right before I gave birth probably in August of 2017

this is the most embarrassing photo of me ever. this was 3 months after I gave birth. I was so swollen and retaining so much water that I actually weighed a few pounds more then right before I delivered her. this was before I was diagnosed with the celiacs disease so the gluten was having a terrible autoimmune response in my body and I had no idea because I've never had any symptoms before my pregnancy. apparently I carry the gene for it but some people are affected and some aren't. sometimes a traumatic event can trigger it and for me it was pregnancy.

I've been on a gluten-free diet now for about 2 or 3 months. This photo was taken today. I've lost about 30 pounds or so since the previous photo. I was already overweight when I got pregnant but I'm also 5' 10" so I carry weight pretty well. I got pregnant on accident and I definitely would have done things differently. I would have gotten healthier beforehand. luckily my baby girl is happy and healthy I'm thriving and I couldn't be more in love with her. she makes everything all worth it. anyway here is my beautiful baby girl.. Adalynn Marie 😍