Can we just get a break? 😩

So it took us almost 4 months for my fiancé to find a job, he’s only been working there for 2 weeks and the company is being sold out so they’re laying off all the welders. So now we’re back to square 1. We totaled our car back in March.. Since my fiancé has been laid off for 4 months we’ve had to move back in with my mom. I honestly just want to break down. We have a 15 month old and I just feel like we’re letting down our son. My fiancé is saying he will go out and travel to make more money but I know how hard it will be on him to be away from us. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’ve never been this stressed before 😩 everyone thinks I’m being dramatic but for me, I’ve never had so much stress on my shoulders. Sorry I just need to vent.