June Ovulation

Nicole • Army Wife🇺🇸 Cuban🇨🇺 Mariah Jayde 4/4/2019💗🤱🏽

Fertile days starting on Friday & ovulation is estimated for the 13th! I have been waiting (what feels like 3 months) for these days! Husband is off doing training this week, coincidentally comes home the whole week in my fertile window and then leaves for two weeks for another training trip. I’m hoping it’s fate!

Ready for our March baby!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

First month using ovulation test strips so I’m hoping they will help us do extra baby dances when I get a positive😁🤞🏽

Ready to start counting my DPO days once again!

Baby dust to all us ladies ready to be pregnant!!