Should I bother testing?


I wanted some opinions on my situation and no one I am close with knows we are TTC and my husband is no help lol. I went off the pill in December, and had my period as expected since I was coming off. I was on the pill for about three years, and before going on I had regular 28 day cycles.

I had a natural period exactly 28 days after the first on January and thought yay we can start TTC! We BD’d a bunch and then my period did not show up in February! I took tests and was not pregnant. Saw my OBGYN at 14 days late and was confirmed not pregnant. She asked me to come back at the end of April if I still didn’t have it and said it was going off the pill that was messing with me. I had a lot of hormonal issues (and still do) during this time including acne, weight gain etc. well my period never came in February or March. I scheduled an appointment for the last week of April and OF COURSE four days before my follow up I got a period. I was relieved and we started TTC again.

I am now 12 days late for my predicted period. I had positive OPKs two weeks before my period was due and we BD’d during that time a few days.

I tested at one day late, and again at 7 days late and both tests were negative. I am now 12 days late, and I would just chalk it up to the birth control still affecting my cycles, except that I got that positive OPK.

I’m torn between wanting to test to make sure I’m not doing anything detrimental to the baby if I am pregnant, but also don’t want to keep wasting time and money on testing and being disappointed again and again. I need advice on what people think I should do! Thanks!!