Husband is being rude

So I recently extended my maternity an extra 6 weeks which has been unpaid. I was paid 100% the first 14 weeks and it was a fight to have my husband agree on letting me extend. We just purchased a new home and live very comfortably but I let him know I would rather have the time with our new baby than to go out to dinner weekly or go out shopping or whatever the case may be. We have more than enough money in savings and have no worry that we won’t be 100% financially stable while I’m on unpaid leave. Anyway, when the baby first came he was very supportive, helped with the baby constantly, he would get up with her at night when he was off the next day, he would help with household chores. I EBF so I feed around the clock. However, just recently it’s been a fight for him to help with anything that has to do with the baby. I was exhausted the other day and asked him to give the baby a bath. He said no because he worked all day and I don’t work so it’s my job to take care of her. I then got very defensive and told him just because I’m not working doesn’t give him a free pass to not be a father. He said he would start helping me with her again once I start working. And tonight I got very irritated because he keeps leaving his clothes on the floor in the living downstairs (laundry room is upstairs) there was literally 4 days of dirty outfits in the living room because I refused to pick them up. I finally asked him when he was going to take his dirty laundry upstairs and his response was that I needed to because I’m not working and again it’s my “job”. My husband has always been very hands on and has always helped with household duties. We both cook, clean, do laundry. We’ve always split our duties around the house. But now all he says to me is it’s my job because I’m home all day as if caring for a baby is no big deal. I’ve about had it. He wants another baby and I’m close to telling him I don’t want another child with him if this is how he’s going to act. I’m in the baby’s room currently nursing and rocking my baby to sleep and crying my eyes out because of how he’s been treating me lately. I’m afraid of when I do return to work he will not help me. We are in the same field of work and have the same workload. 10 hour days, 5 days a week. Both salary managers who are always on call. I needed to vent and felt this is the only place I could do it.