2nd baby rant

Liz • Korbin John 11/17/2016

My son was my rainbow baby. I chose to stay home because I had a high risk pregnancy and my life was taking care of myself and my boy. I had every app, read every article and knew just what was going on in his little growing body. Fast forward- my now big boy is 18 months and I am 20 weeks with our little girl. Anyone finding the second pregnancy a whole different world?!

I don’t need anyone to make a big deal but no one seems to notice or really care. That sound petty but I think my mom ( who I live next door to) has never asked how I am doing or what’s going on. I mention my baby shower (which I planned my own with the first) and not a question or word about it. I know she is excited, it just seems like no one is excited. My husband even, who read books nightly tommy growing belly, I don’t think has really even touched it. It’s like I’m just going through the motions. I feel some type of guilt for her. I don’t know. Anyways today I post of Facebook my second ever bump picture this pregnancy and say how it is flying by and with the craziness of life, there isn’t time to see what fruit she is the size of (which was just being funny) banana by the way..and my

Mom texts me how I’m not being fair to my daughter because I’m not documenting all of this. I about it lost my shit. I am taking pictures, just not blasting Facebook with them, I am enjoying being pregnant, just not talking about it 24/7. I am working (from home) and running and household and raising my son and life is just different. This girl is so loved and was planned and wanted but I just feel like..I don’t even know how to explain it. Am I making sense?