Losing Weight and out of Control

Tearra • 👰🏾🤵🏾Married 💍 Mother to a sleeping angel 👼 baby girl BORN 11.6.19 ttc Rainbow baby 🌈❤️

girl when I tell you I living my best life yaaaas!!

for my whole adult life I have been overweight I have been over 300 plus pounds I was:


-hid from the world


just plain out unHappy & uncomfortable!!!

The last stray I was trying to get out the car and couldn't, going to the clothing stores could not fit anything, I was in pain.. I hated what I seen in the mirror I was depressed, tired of being a hermit in the house.. tired of the looks and stares.. my Boyfriend always told me I was beautiful and made feel good.. but I was basically just exciting not living

I know have a neck lol , I can shop anywhere... I still get stares but now from guys lol I feel so good !!!