Feeling overwhelmed and alone

Today i had my last growth scan at 36wk 5 days and baby is still measuring fine and big i am worried as with my daughter she was born 38wks and was 2.98kg and tore me they had me booked in for a c-section knowing she would be to big for me to have naturally but she came early and thats how i had her mind you this was 7 years ago now my baby is over 3kg has been head down for weeks has no more room to grow i literately cant drop lol only way it will drop is when he comes out.

tomorrow i have the ob to look at my blood results and ultrasound i am going to beg to be induced as i don't want a c-section and no matter me being on anti depressants/anxiety medication its getting unbearable not knowing when he will come and feeling any pain or twitches and wondering what it means if its labor or not....

what are my chances of being induced?

feeling quite lonley