Breast feeding and pumping ...


So initially our pediatrician told me to pump after nursing and bottle feed our baby the extra amount. They wanted her to gain weight and help my milk production. I asked what happens about over production and ending up with too much. She said that’s not an issue to worry about.

Well baby ended up liking the bottle more. Not an issue, I just started exclusively pumping and giving her a bottle. She gained 10oz in a week.

Then the pediatrician criticized me and told me I should try to nurse again. So I freaking tried to. Baby is hungry still after and she doesn’t empty either of my boobs and they are still uncomfortably full. Engorged.

Now I am stuck having to pump every 3-4 hours because I am engorged and it’s absolutely frustrating.

I don’t know if this is normal?! I don’t even want to do it anymore, but now I can’t stop. I am so tired and so frustrated.