Induced at 41 weeks


So I am 12w2 days postpartum, I finally made it back on this app so I figured I would share my birthing story.

I was induced at 41 weeks at 7:30pm (baby girl did not want to come out). This is my first baby so I was so nervous, I had no idea what to expect. My last day of work was the following Friday (I was induced on Monday) The day I was being induced I was so scared I couldn’t eat and all I was doing was shitting my brains out of fear lol! Well it finally came time to head to the hospital, it’s about a 25 minute drive from where we live. The entire time I am crying so worried about all the what if’s and oh yeah know the excruciating pain I will be in shortly. Well we finally pull in the parking lot and I tell myself and my husband I’m not going to cry once I get in there. I’m going to be strong! Well we walk in and two nurses are standing there all smiley “oh you must be our induction” I instantly start bawling 😂 the nurses then come to hug and console me telling me everything will be okay!

We head to our first room. Yes first room we had three different rooms we were in lol. Once we get settled in we go over the basics get my chart all set up etc. Well the bed doesn’t work, so we are just waiting and waiting for maintenance to come fix or bring us a new bed. In my head I’m like well we’re off to a great start lol. Finally like an hour later we have a new bed! Now onto business, the first step was to start with placing a pill (I can’t remember what it was called) vaginally to start and soften my cervix and get the process moving along since I wasn’t dilated like at all. Well since I have such horrible anxiety about the whole thing the doctor recommends I get a small dose of morphine to help me sleep since this process could take up to a couple of days. Well I don’t take any pain meds at all because I have a very weak stomach but doctors orders right?

So I’m all set to get some rest. Lights off two hours later I’m woken up by the nurses to see how everything is going down below, well no progress and I then start to get this horrible feeling in my stomach. Yup it’s the morphine kicked in and I’m puking. This went on until the morning. Finally about 8:00 am we have no progress from the pills and I am finally not throwing up anymore, but on very little sleep and an empty stomach. Oh by the way I last had eaten around 11:30 am Monday and was told I couldn’t eat anything until after the baby was born Incase of an emergency c section. I was so sick from the meds that I didn’t have much of an appetite anyways.

The doctor then comes in and decides we are going to try a foley balloon catheter (procedure to enlarge a narrow opening or passage.) She gets everything into place and now we are just on the waiting game for a few hours. I started to feel minor contractions nothing too horrible though. At this point I am walking around to help and watching tv and visiting with my husband. Finally a nurse comes and checks me and I am 5CM wohoo we’re finally getting somewhere! Earlier in the day they didn’t think I would even be having the baby today and we would be going into Wednesday! So I’m happy at point! Since we made such great progress we get moved into the second room (the birthing room) shits starting to get real now!

We get all set up in room 2 and they start me out on what I fear the most (pitocin) I have only heard horror stories about how it makes contractions worse. Well they were all right! Two second into them getting me hooked up to it through an IV the contractions went from a 3 pain tolerance to a 8. So from here out it is like 4 hours of just horrible contractions and pain and I start to dialate more and more. At this point they have been offering me something for the pain and I was all for it in the beginning but then they tell me it’s basically the same stuff they gave me for my anxiety so it’s morphine based and I knew I was going to get super sick since the dose would be much higher. So I stick it out and I am in the worst pain of my entire life. I have a pretty good pain tolerance too!

Finally the doctor comes in around 7-730 and says I’m at a 9 so she finally breaks my water and then the contractions got even worse (how that is even possible I don’t know lol) well the doctor leaves the room for basically an hour as I can feel more and more the urge to push. Finally I make my husband get the nurses cuz this baby is coming!! The nurses and doctors rush in, get everything set up in case of an emergency and start having me push. The pushing part was actually relieving. The whole time I was pregnant I most feared the actual pushing and that was the least painful to me lol. Well I am pushing and pushing and feel like I am making no progress at all. I’m pushing so hard with my eyes closed I’m seeing white lol. My husband said he was scared I was going to pass out 😂 the doctor checks down below while I am pushing and said we are making a lot of progress and she can feel the head. So I’m like okay you got this lol!

She at this point breaks down the red. Now it’s getting even more intense (I’m about to have a baby and meet my daughter) so I am pushing and pushing and then I start to freak out in my head and think what if she is trapped mid push and can’t breathe?!?! So I am trying my hardest to really push and then the doctor says one or two more big pushes so I just full blown push as hard as I can I literally almost passed out. I vaguely hear the doctor say look down look down! She came out and I didn’t even realize it! She then barely wipes her down and rushes her to my chest for skin to skin contact! The doctor then has me push out the placenta (it was literally one push and slid right out-felt like I was pooping 😂) the doctor had a lot of work to do down there as I tore really bad all the way to my butthole! So recovery was pretty rough. One of my stitches popped out the first week I was home and I didn’t know so my 6 week check up I had to have it cauterized so it would heal properly that was no fun at all! I am now 12w2d postpartum and feeling pretty damn good considering lol!

Aria lyn Sebeck born on 3/13/18 at 9:23 pm weighing 7lbs 8.6 oz 20 in

Pictures of her first born

Now she is going to be 3 months on Wednesday

She is such a good baby ❤️ she is so loved by so many people.

It was all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat to have her 😍😘😍😘

Updated pics of her as of 7-5-18