Two Implantation Bleeding? Or What?

Hello guys ! I need a little help here because I am way confused. So my actual last period was April 6th. Last month I believe I had implantation bleeding that Came two days before my expected period date, it was light cramps, light blood, coloration was Pinkish bright red but started with a little brown. Same thing happened to me again this month, it Came two days before my expected period. Light cramps, light blood, the color was the same. It didn’t even fill up the Pad. I only changed them like twice or three times a Day because I Pee a lot now. I hate using the same pad, even if there’s only a couple drips of blood on there. But anyways my breast was tender before all this happened, after the blood Came my tenderness stopped. The bleeding only lasted for 2-3 days just like last month. My cycle is super regular. My usual period lasts for 4-5 days. The blood be very heavy. The cramps hurts like S*** the color of the blood be like dark red with thick clots. I’m sorry for the T.M.I I am just very confused and curious to know what does this all mean? How can that be my period when it’s so different from my period? Please I Need Answers. Is there such things as two implantation bleeding?