I know this sounds silly but

Brie • Wife. Mommy to Pierce 👦🏼 Harper 👧🏼 And Meadow 🌈 5 losses 💔 Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s, lupus

With my first I conceived on my wedding night (it was definitely that night) and the next day fatigue hit me like a BUS. CRAZY I know...I was on my honeymoon and had to take a 3-4 hour nap daily!!! I NEVER took naps I always had more energy than I knew what to do with so we joked that I was pregnant (this was an all inclusive honeymoon and I barely wanted to drink) sure enough I get home and after 3 days I took a test and got a BFP.

I don’t know how I felt ANYTHING the day after conception it scientifically doesn’t make sense I know this and (we didn’t have sex for at least a month before then as I’m not a very sexual person...super embarrassing).

ANYWAY fast forward to now and I’m feeling that EXACT feeling, I can’t move from the couch all I want is sleep, I usually go to sleep at like 1am last night it was 9pm and I’m only 2dpo!