Don’t know how i have done it 🤷🏻‍♀️


So here’s a little back ground.

Me and my husband have been trying for a little over 6 months now. On April 23rd 2018 I got my BFP I’ve dreamed about. I took a digital test after VVVVFL’S (I mean EXTREMELY faint. There it was , pregnant 1-2 weeks (since conceiving, making me around 4-5 weeks)!!

Just 5 days later I had a bleed through the night and all pregnancy tests were coming back negative. I lost my little bean. This was my first pregnancy. My first real experience of being a mother lasted just 5 days. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to experience.

Fast forward to now. I’m currently 2 weeks late on my period. I have taken a couple of tests around when I was due. I have told myself to be patient and my positive test will come when it wants to - so I’m only testing once a week!! I still have 2 days to wait to test again... I don’t know how I’ve been soooo patient. I have a stack of tests just waiting to be peed on!!

I hope and pray for a BFP again (this time I am not taking digital test, I do not like not knowing the strength of the pregnancy hormones!!) please send me baby dust and all well wishes!!

Love to all xxxxxx 🤘🏼

My current mood ...