God Blessed Us With A Baby Girl

Brooklynn • 27✨ December 6th 🎉 Mommiee of Jai’Lynn Rose 🌹 Baby #2 Loading 🔋

God Blessed Us With A Baby Girl . . . When We First Found Out We Were Truely Excited As To We Have Been TTC Since February-March of 2017 and October It Happened ; Everything Was Going Great With The Pregnancy! No morning sickness , No Acne , No Cravings , Nothing lol Until We Reached Our 19th Week Together 😔 February 06 We Had A Ultrasound Were We Found Out That My Cervix Was Short ( Holding At 1.0 cm / Now We Were High Risk ) We Had Doctors Appointments Every Week . . . FastForward To February 20th We Had Ultrasound That Morning Were We Found Out My Cervix Was .5 cm 😯 I Was Immediately Admitted To The Hospital So That We Could Possibly Give My Baby A Chance At Life, The Next Morning I Had The McDonald Cerclage Placed. With Holding My Cervix Together That Gave Us Weeks. I Went Into Labor At 28 Weeks and 6 Days ( April 15th 2018 ) and Had MyBeautiful Baby Girl Jai’Lynn At 11:32 PM Weighting 3 pounds and 7 Ounces. She Was Immediately Rushed To NICU Were We Spent 45 Long Days 😩 We Are Now Home And She Is Getting Bigger By Day She’s Now Currently 5 Pounds and 4 Ounces

