Almost 31 weeks getting nervous..

Olivia • 3 girls 3 angel babies.

First of all sorry it's so long I wanted to give some back story. So I had my 1st daughter 6 years ago emergency csection at 37 weeks I was being induced because of preeclampsia and my cervix was hard and not favorable so they tried cervadil make a long story short I had that in close to 10 hours until I started bleeding my placenta had abrupted I made it to 2cm and babys head could be felt. Had the csection and was so tired I saw my baby once when she was born got pain meds and didn't see her again until 6 hours later when I woke up. I needed a blood transfusion the following day and was discharged 3 days after the birth. 2 days later my head kept pounding and I kept getting tunnel vision only when standing so off to the hospital I went I ended up there for 4 days without my baby I had developed postpartum hypertension I was severely depressed and had a rough time I was pumping and dumping every 3 hours to keep my supply up for baby when I returned home. I'm very adamant about a vbac this time around I'm just terrified of something happening. I'm going to try to go into labor on my own and make it as far as possible so far blood pressure has been great but with my 1st pregnancy it didn't go up until 35 weeks. Also my weight gain has been ideal I've gained about 13lbs of the recommened 20 so far. I guess I'm looking for success stories as well as reassurance and also when some of yall went into labor with a vbac as well as some tips to help bringing on labor.