Second baby? How hard it’s it?

My son is 9 months old almost 10 months. I’m having baby fever like crazy. I want a second one so bad. I was never on birth control and got pregnant after three years of having sex. Never really trying but not preventing.

He’s such a sweet happy silly boy. Cranky sometimes like most babies. I just don’t know how it’ll be with having a teeny tiny baby while taking care of a possible 18 month old if I end up pregnant. Obviously before when I was pregnant I would just work go home go to sleep repeat. Now I’d be working taking care of baby feeding etc.

how hard is it? It took my a little while longer to bond with baby. I didn’t get he instant connection partially because I think I was thinking way to much and my delivery was interesting to say the least.

What if I don’t love my second one at all? Or connect?

So really how hard is it to have a baby while having a toddler?

With just one you sleep when he sleeps clean etc etc. but with two how do you do anything? Or get anything done?