It's almost time for me to leave...


I'm supposed to be at the mental health clinic in 20 minutes (ten, really. They told me to try to be early). I'm scared y'all. It's been so long. I'm fucking exhausted. I can't do this by myself anymore. But what if they decide I don't need help?

Update: I was 5 minutes late because I spent 15 minutes freaking out, and Intake is closed already. So I get to try again next week.

Update #2: I got home and cried in the driveway for like 20 minutes before my husband came out to the car. With his work bags. Didn't sit down and hold my hand, didn't offer a hug, was GONE five minutes later. He didn't even try. How fucking worthless do you have to be for your own husband to not even try to comfort you after something like that?